If you want to get big you have to eat big! This page is all about making sure you get the right nutrition plan to backup your massive dumbbell workouts. It doesn't matter how much you exercise, if you don't get enough calories and protein then all is for naught. In fact you will LOSE muscle mass if you don't eat enough. Am I getting through to you yet private Pyle?! EAT

Looks good right?                    

Whodathunkit that gaining muscle could be so... delicious! Well it's not all that delicious, if you just load up on crap with no protein you won't gain that muscle like you're expecting. I'm going to lay down a few ground rules on how to maximize your dumbbell workouts through diet.

1. Eat at least 1 gram of protein per 1 lb of body weight. I weigh 190 so I eat at least 190g of protein every day.

2. "Try" and eat 6 times a day. This helps separate out the huge amounts of protein you're ingesting and also keeps your metabolism at a higher rate. If you don't eat for 6 hours your body will go into preservation mode and actually start to eat your fat AND MUSCLE reserves to keep itself going.

3. If you want to gain 1lb of muscle per week then you need a caloric excess of 500. I've included a calorie counter link at the bottom of the page to help you out with this.

4. It's not all about protein, you also need carbohydrates which provide instant fuel.

5. Eat at least 30g of protein right after a workout. The first hour after your workout, your body is going to do a lot of it's muscle repairing so you need to fuel that fire!

6. Balance - You want a good balance of protein to carbs to fat. I'd recommend 40% protein/ 40% carbs / 20% fat. This is just a rule of thumb

7. Weigh yourself at the same time each day (stick to either the morning or night time) but...

8. Don't get hung up on a weight number. The ultimate test to see if you are gaining muscle is your performance with the dumbbells. If you noticed you have stalled across the board, make sure you are eating enough!